Monday, April 21, 2014

Prom time!

Back in the day

Clothes, check. Hair, check. Corsage, check. (Maybe one made of chicken? Hmm, maybe not.) 

It's time for prom night! Young men and women: you've no doubt gotten a million ducks in a row before this evening, figuring out the logistics of dinner and driving and photos and parties and more. So now it's time to take a breath and focus on something that's just as important: manners.

Because how you behave determines whether your prom date will ever want to see you again!

Don't worry if you can't tell your dinner and dessert forks apart or don't know how to shake hands. If you've never had an etiquette lesson in your life, you can remember one thing: be kind, and the rest will surely follow. We use good manners because we want to be kind to others. Simple, really.

That said, we have some helpful hints for you!

Before you get dressed, make sure you are really ready! Check out these grooming tips for guys and 5 Ways to Impress your Date.

Be on time. If you're picking up your date, allow enough time to meet the parents and take photos. (If meeting parents gives you anxiety, don't worry—just remember to smile and shake hands.) If you're waiting for your date, be ready to go!

Enjoy your meal. For a formal meal, take a look at our handy utensil chart and tips. For a more casual meal, check out our advice on dining with finger foods!

Silence your phone. Taking photos with it is fine, but as a rule, pay attention to your date and friends instead of lengthy phone calls or texts. 

Before you go, thank the host committee, as well as school teachers and administrators who are present. They worked hard for this night!

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